Monday, May 26, 2014

STOP the Rabbits

I just sent this to the PUPs

Dear PUP Senators

As a fiercely independent Australian who cares about the future of this country, I wish to commend your party on it's decision not to negotiate with the Abbott Government. You are right in saying that the majority of changes proposed in the budget are an attack on the Australian way of life. They unfairly place the majority of the burden on those least able to bear it. Whatever happens, I urge you to specifically block the Medicare Co-Payment, changes to Newstart Allowance, the gold plated PPL scheme, and changes to pension indexation. On the more positive side, I would urge you to consider the following measures:

  1.     Do whatever it takes to close all tax loopholes exploited by multinationals and wealthy Australians - specifically, but not limited to Transfer Pricing, concessional treatment of Superannuation and Capital Gains, Family Trusts and Negative Gearing. These things are all market distortions.
  2.     Do whatever it takes to compel employers to employ a fair share of long-term unemployed and people with mental and physical disabilities.
  3.     Invest in services and programs with PROVEN SUCCESS at helping disadvantaged Australians improve their lives, rather than the PROVEN FAILURES we currently fund.
  4.     Do whatever it takes to reduce income inequality so that ordinary Australians can afford to buy the goods and services that keep wealthy capitalists wealthy.
  5.     Do whatever it takes to ensure Australian citizens have access to affordable, secure accommodation.
  6.     Do whatever it takes to ensure my grandchildren have abundant energy, employment, education, health, clean air and clean water.

I know that's a lot to ask, but if Clive can build the Titanic 2, then he's at least got the gumption to give it a shot.


Ken Davis

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Pollie-Wogs Tea Party

With apologies to Bratton and Kennedy

If you go out in Australia today
You'd better not go alone,
If you go out in Australia today,
Let's face it you're on your own,
You're old, you're sick,
You're unemployed,
You've got some reasons to be annoyed,
Today's the day
The PollieWogs* have their Tea Party

* PollieWog is a neologism referring to Politicians who display personality and behaviour traits consistent with Psychopathy